Hard times show what we’re made of. The CCLF community was made for this.
Calvin L. Holmes, President

Year in Review CCLF headed into 2020 with the strength, the strategy, and the stability to weather the storm.

See more of 2020

When the world changed, we...

Pivoted to remote work without disrupting operations

Deferred borrowers’ payments to help organizations and businesses stay afloat

Personalized our service delivery to meet unique borrower needs during the pandemic

Delivered technical assistance to help small enterprises and nonprofits navigate the crisis

Made for stability Preserving homes and hope

For almost 20 years, a small real estate developer has been making a meaningful difference in communities on Chicago’s South Side. In 2020, an emergency grant from CCLF made a difference for her.

On to 2021

Celebrating 30 years of partnerships and investments for a more equitable Chicago region